Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Interview with a Vampire

Taking place in New Orleans, Interview with a Vampire is about a vampire named Louis who divulges the story of his life over the course of 200 years.  This story is probably one of the first vampire stories to introduce the vampire that feeds off of animals rather than people, as the character Louis does.  On the other hand his friend Lestat feeds off the local plantation slaves.  The boy (the interviewer) and Louis travel throughout Europe to seek out more vampires, they come across a breed that behave more like Zombies than actually vampires, though once they arrive at Paris they find more of their kind.  The boy eventually wants to become a vampire and begs Louis to grant his wish.  Louis attacks him and vanishes.  Louis becomes furious, he was trying to teach the boy that immortality is more of a curse than a blessing involving nothing more than eternal pain and suffering.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why are Zombies so popular?

As someone who is a gaming enthusiast; the mindless brutality  of these creatures makes it nearly impossible for the player to feel any remorse for them.  One of the most popular and successful games today is Left4Dead.  In an industry that is completely dominated by the first person shooter genre; I feel, and I'm sure I can vouch for others, that there is something immensely satisfying about mowing down endless waves of zombies.  Planting explosives in the midst of a flesh hungry mob leaves many gamers giddy with joy.
     The more recent movies that have been released haven't been horror movies but instead, they are mostly action packed comedies.  To me the zombie, while frightening is also ridiculous and hilarious.  I think it's that strange mix of feelings that makes them so fascinating for me.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monster Island

Monster Island is a novel about Zombies.  I am very familiar with zombies and the lore that surronds them, mainly from other popular forms of media such as movies and videogames.  This novel brought forth some interesting additions and provided and unique take on what zombies are and what they are capable of.

One of the characters whom I found fascinating would be Gary.  Many that I know would be strictly against a zombie who could think and act on his own, as it goes against one the lore that zombies are bound by.  I on the other hand thought it was facinating new take on zombies.